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4.8 ( 5328 ratings )
Utvecklare: Steadfast Foundation Technologies, LLC

The slabure app is designed to work exclusively with professionally installed slabsure foundation and structural monitors. These monitors can be attached to home foundations, commercial buildings, bridges, or bulkheads throughout the world. The monitors measure the up and down (vertical) movement of the structure every hour to provide peace of mind regarding the status of your structure, because soil shift happens. We are data nerds and the slabsure solution collects 1000s of data points on a structure in a single month allowing our team to trend that data and alert the slabsure customer if something is amiss with their structure. The app allows the user to see the status of their structure in simple color codes. For example, green indicates everything is within specification, yellow indicates an anomaly, and red indicates the need for maintenance or repairs. A neutral color, gray is reserved for situations where data transmission is interrupted due to battery life, etc. Slabsure is professionally installed and all customers have access to local partners who can help them maintain the structure for years to come. Slabsure provides Peace of Mind long after construction or repairs are completed . Please call 833 752 2787 for details. Full details can be found at The slabsure system is patented or patent pending in multiple countries.